Hiding a Page

A simple step-by-step walk-through detailing how to hide a page on your store from within your Freewebstore Control Panel.

You might want to hide a page from the general view of your customers for a number of reasons. A special offers page that you only use when you want to advertise your special offers would be a good example of a page that you might want to temporarily hide for a period of time.

How do I hide a Page?

To hide a page:

  1. Login to your freewebstore control panel.

  2. Go to Manage > Pages.

  3. You will notice that you have 3 panels where you will be able to drag and drop your pages. Pages that can be moved/hidden will have a directional icon to the left of the page name. If the icon is 2-directional you can only change the order in which this page can appear in the panel it is currently in. If the icon is 4-directional, this means you will be able to drag this page to another panel, Additional Pages or Hidden Pages.

  4. To hide a page, you will need to drag the desired page (if available) over to the Hidden Pages panel. Pages in this section will not be visible on your store.

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