Checkout Forms

A step-by-step guide detailing how to create and manage checkout forms and their contents from within your Freewebstore Control Panel.

What are Checkout Forms

Checkout Forms allow you to ask your customers questions about products before they start the checkout process.

This is great for collecting the data you require before you process an order.

For example, if a product can be personalized, you might want to ask for the text they want on the product, or for an image for you to add to the product.

How to Create a Checkout Form

  1. Log into your Freewebstore Control Panel.

  2. Go to Manage > Products > Checkout Forms.

  3. Click Add New Form.

What Type of Questions can you ask your Customers?

Question TypePlan AvailabilityMax Size



250 Characters



2000 Characters

Yes/ No


N/ A

Option List


N/ A

File Upload: Image



File Upload: Audio

Startup, Pro, & Ridge


File Upload: Document

Startup, Pro, & Ridge


File Upload: Video

Pro & Ridge


How to Attach a Checkout Form to a Product

  1. Log into your Freewebstore Control Panel.

  2. Go to Manage > Products > List All Products.

  3. Click Edit for a product.

  4. On the Product > Edit page, expand the Additional Details panel.

  5. Use the Checkout Form dropdown menu to select a Checkout Form you have created.

  6. Click Save.

How to Delete a Checkout Form

  1. Log into your Freewebstore Control Panel.

  2. Go to Manage > Products > Checkout Forms.

  3. Click the red [x] icon next to each checkout form you want to delete.

  4. Click Save.

Last updated