Copy Delivery Address

How to quickly copy a delivery address on Freewebstore

Copy Address

  1. Log into your Freewebstore Control Panel.

  2. Go to: Orders > List All Orders.

  3. Click the View button for the order.

  4. Hover your mouse (or click on mobile) anywhere in the Delivery Address panel.

  5. Click the Copy button that appears at the bottom right of the panel.

Change Copy Format

Freewebstore provides 4 different formats for the copied address. You can change this by doing the following:

  1. Log into your Freewebstore Control Panel.

  2. Go to: Orders > List All Orders.

  3. Click the View button for the order.

  4. Hover your mouse (or click on mobile) anywhere in the Delivery Address panel.

  5. Click the Cog button that appears at the bottom right of the panel.

  6. A pop-up will appear and you'll be able to select the format you need.

  7. Click the Update button at the bottom right of the pop-up to confirm you change.

Last updated